
What are we working on?
What did we do? What did we plan?

The countdown has begun!

We are working hard to bring you a better and smoother experience
We've published our fully transparent roadmap so you can better understand what we're working on, what we're doing and our plans

Upcoming Release


About Our Roadmap

  • The roadmap contains information on "done, in progress, and planned" features, improvements, and bug fixes for the version we're working on.
  • The roadmap is updated instantly. That is, there may be updates and changes to the content at any time.
  • You can list the items in the roadmap according to categories, types and situations, and you can search in the contents if you want.
  • "Estimated time of arrival" is an conjectural time and may vary. Unfortunately we do not offer any guarantee about this period.
  • If you have any features or ideas you want included in the roadmap, you can create a feature request on
  • If you have detected any bugs or problems in the software, please report it to us through our support system. We will immediately include it in the roadmap.

Progress Status



  • Extension of the coupon code system

    Development so that coupon codes are also valid for existing services and lifetime discounts can be applied.

  • Improvement to support tickets list

    Adding filtering options in the support tickets list:
    - Responded Today (0)
    - Resolved Today (0)
    - In process (0)
    - Waiting for Response (0)
    - Answered (0)
    - Resolved (0)

  • Secure IP for admin area login

    Inability to log in to the admin area other than predefined secure IP addresses.

  • Being able to use coupon codes on unpaid invoices

    The feature to use coupon codes on unpaid invoices.

  • Blocking membership in certain countries

    Preventing account creation in specified countries or outside specified countries.

  • Additional service sales on existing order

    Development work to enable the purchase of additional services related to an existing order.

  • Virustotal API for support ticket attachments

    Ability to check attachments uploaded to support tickets via Virustotal API before downloading.

  • Challenge multi memberships

    Automatic detection, listing and prevention of multi memberships.

  • Disconnect order links from product

    "Order Disconnect" feature in product packages to prevent existing customers from being affected by price hikes.

  • Renewal of additional services along with the main service

    If the main service is renewed via the client area, the associated additional services are renewed.

  • Deleting Reseller plans/packages from the server

    In case the reseller service is deleted, the reseller's plans/packages are automatically deleted from the shared server.

  • Prevent country-based proxy use

    Applying a proxy block only for specified countries or applying a proxy block outside of specified countries.

  • Onlinenic domain registrar module.

    Redevelopment of the Onlinenic domain registrar module.

In Progress

  • Extended two-factor authentication

    Redevelopment of two-factor authentication with Google Author + Microsoft Author and Email verification options.


  • Show the reason for the suspension

    Adding the "reason" variable in the notification template. "Reason for Suspension" information is displayed in "Client Area > Service Detail".

  • Freenom domain registrar

    Development of the Freenom domain registrar module.

  • Providing subdomain hosting service

    Providing a subdomain option for hosting service during the purchasing process.

  • hosting panel integration

    Development of hosting panel integration.

  • Importing received emails into the ticket system

    Transferring data to the ticket system from e-mails sent to the relevant e-mail address using PHP and converting them into support tickets. More advanced version of Email Piping.

  • OpenSRS domain registrar

    Development of OpenSRS domain registrar module.

  • Cloudflare Turnstile integration

    Cloudflare Turnstile integration work.

  • hCaptcha integration

    Development work for "hCaptcha" integration.

  • Google reCAPTCHA has been updated to V3.

    Google reCAPTCHA addon has been upgraded to V3.

  • SolusVM 2.0 Integration

    SolusVM 2.0 API integration module development works.

  • Gocardless payment gateway

    Development of Gocardless payment gateway.

  • The payment method can only be used for a certain currency

    Developing a function/feature so that the payment method can only be used in certain currencies.

  • Sendgrid Integration

    Developing the integration module of Sendgrid email sending service.

  • Nominet domain registrar

    Development of Nominet domain registrar module.

  • Setting an order limit on the product package

    Developing a feature that determines how many units of the product each customer can purchase.

  • Verimor SMS module

    Developing a module for the SMS service of Verimor SMS company.

  • UnitedDomains domain registrar

    Development of UnitedDomains domain registrar module.

  • Payment Gateway Module

    Development of payment method module.

  • Unipay payment gateway module

    Development of module for Unipay payment service provider.

  • ShurjoPay Payment Gateway

    Development of ShurjoPay payment gateway.

  • Affiliate block notification

    Display of a warning message in the client area in case the affiliate is blocked and an informational message when the REF link is visited.

  • Mollie payment gateway

    Development of Mollie payment gateway module.

  • Hosting Panel Integration hosting panel integration module works.

  • Razorpay payment gateway module

    Development of the Razorpay payment gateway module.

  • Synergywholesale domain registrar module

    Development of Synergy Wholesale domain registrar module.

  • Webuzo hosting panel integration

    Development of Webuzo hosting panel integration.

  • TPP Wholesale domain registrar

    Development of TPP Wholesale domain registrar module.

  • payment gateway

    Development of payment gateway module.

Found a bug?

Did you find any bug or problem in the system? Please let us know. We will immediately include it in the roadmap.

Report a Bug

Have a great idea?

Do you have an idea or suggestion that you would like to be added to the roadmap? Create a feature request now.

Create Feature Request

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us
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